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The purpose of this Privacy Notice is to summarize the ways in which the owner of this Site, CODELANCES SOFTWARS, LLC (“CODELANCES”, the “Site”, “We”, “Us”), collects, maintains, and uses information about you (“You”, “Your”). Please feel free to contact Us by email at privacy@codelances.com or by mail at CODELANCES SOFTWARS 133/44 O BLOCK KIDWAI NAGAR KANPUR PINCODE 208011 with any questions or concerns about this Privacy Notice or the information We gather about You.

How We Collect Your Information

We gather information about You as You use our websites, contact our customer service representatives, fill out online order forms or information request sheets, and provide Your information to our sales agents. We use cookies and pixel tags to track Your usage of our websites. We also use online order forms and information request sheets to obtain information from You necessary to process Your orders and provide You with requested information. When You call the numbers on our websites and speak with our customer service representatives, We collect information provided during the call to ensure the best quality of service and the correct processing of Your orders.

Information We Collect

We collect various types of Customer Information. A summary of the types of information that We collect is set forth below: Customer Contact Information. Your Customer Contact Information is any information needed to contact You and fulfil Your orders and requests such as Your name, address, phone number, fax number, and email address. Private Customer Information. Private Customer Information is that information that may be necessary to check credit and process payments. Such information includes Your Social Security Number, credit card information, and banking and wiring information. Customer Order Information. Customer Order Information is that information necessary to complete Your orders and requests for information. Such information may include Your Customer Contact Information, programming and packaging selections, your billing and shipping information, as well as other details pertaining to Your order of products and services through us. Demographic Information. Demographic Information is publicly available information that We may learn about You regarding such things as Your age, income, home ownership, household size, etc. that helps Us to provide You with better offers for products and services. Website Usage Information. Website Usage Information is information that We collect, via anonymous third-party cookies, that tells Us about the way You use and navigate through our websites. Proprietary Analytics. This Site uses proprietary analytics systems to help improve usability and the customer experience. We may record mouse clicks, mouse movements, scrolling activity, user agent, browser version, operating system, browser extensions installed, browser features enabled, and other non-personally identifiable behavioural and non-behavioural information. You can choose to disable these features by electing to use the private browser setting and/or disabling JavaScript. Note, that doing so will disable other features that this Site may employ.


This explains how We use cookies on this website. We recommend that You read our cookies statement so that You are aware of how We use them globally and can take steps to reject or delete the cookies if You do not agree to them being used. They are widely used to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the Site. You can set Your browser not to accept cookies, however, in a few cases some of our website features may not function as a result. We use cookies to enable You to navigate between pages and to generally improve Your user experience. We also use cookies to analyse how users interact with this Website, to enable You to share content using social media and to provide You with embedded content from third parties. We also sometimes use cookie type technologies in emails to identify how users come to this Website so that We can evaluate and measure the effectiveness of our email marketing. We may combine information collected via cookies with information such as Your IP address, the type of browser, device and operating system, for example, to provide statistical information about visitors to the Website. Where this Website uses third-party cookies, you should check with the relevant third party to see how they use cookies. You can find out more about cookies at http://www.allaboutcookies.org. The user instructions for Your browser or device will explain how You can control the use of cookies on Your device.

Cookies We use

We use the following cookies on this Website: user-input cookies – cookies used to keep track of a user’s input. For example, the completion of a multi-page form, or a shopping basket on an e-commerce website. authentication cookies – cookies used to identify a user once he has logged in to a website. But cookies used to “remember me” to avoid the need to log in for future visits are not considered “essential.” user-centric security cookies – for example, cookies used to detect the number of failed logins to a service specifically requested by a user. multimedia player session cookies – cookies used to store technical information (for example network speed, quality and buffering) needed to play video or audio content requested by the user. This might include Flash cookies. load-balancing session cookies used to manage server load balancing. This would fall within the first bullet above (the transmission of a communication). UI customization cookies – cookies used to remember preferences specifically set by a user (for example, language or display preferences set using a button or tick box) and not linked to other data such as the user’s username. social media content sharing cookies – cookies used by social media plug-ins to identify users that are logged in to social media networks and which are used to enable them to share content using that social media network. These cookies should only persist for so long as the user is logged in or until they close their browser. social plug-in tracking cookies – cookies used to track the activity of logged-in users of social networks (for example, for the purposes of targeted advertising, or analytics, etc.). third party advertising – cookies used for third party advertising (that is, advertising served by a domain outside the website in question). first-party analytics –first-party Analytics cookies (for example, those used for Google Analytics) are not essential and therefore require consent.

Categories of Cookies We use

The cookies We use fall into the following categories: Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are required for the operation of this Website. Analytical/performance cookies. They allow Us to recognize and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around this Website when they are using it. This helps Us to improve the way this Website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily. Functionality cookies. These are used to recognize You when You return to this Website. This enables Us to personalize our content for You, greet You by name and remember Your preferences (for example, Your choice of language or region). Targeting cookies. These cookies record Your visit to this Website, the pages You have visited and the links You have followed. We will use this information to make this Website and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to Your interests. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose. Third-Party Cookies. In addition to the cookies listed above, we also use third-party cookies for performance and functional purposes, to provide additional functionality and to make it easier for You to share content on this Website. These are cookies that are set by a third party when You access this Website and controlled by that third party.

Accepting and rejecting cookies

Where legally permissible, your continued use of a website after being presented with a cookie banner containing an opt-out link will be considered consent to the use of cookies. If legally required, You will be provided with a clear message about what cookies are used and their purpose and the cookie will not be deployed unless and until that consent is provided by You (e.g. clicking “accept” or “I agree”). Consent is not required under the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations for cookies that are strictly necessary. You can manage the use of cookies on this Website by clicking on the link provided in the “Opt-Out Procedures” below.

Security Measures

We implemented a variety of encryption and security technologies and procedures to protect information stored in our computer systems from unauthorized access. We also maintain procedural safeguards that restrict access to Your Customer Information to employees (or people working on our behalf and under confidentiality agreements) who need to know Your Customer Information to provide the products and services that You request.

Additional PCI Requirement as a Service Provider.

We acknowledge to our customers that We are responsible for the security of cardholder data We possess or otherwise store, process, or transmit on behalf of the customer, or to the extent that We could impact the security of the customer’s cardholder data environment.

Use and sharing of Customer Information

All Your Customer Information is used in an effort to process Your orders and requests and to provide You with the products and services You desire. We may share Your Customer Information with third parties to complete Your purchases of products and services as described below. In addition, Your Customer Information may be used and shared in an effort to present to You other special offers and promotions that may become available. The extent to which We use and share Your Customer Information depends upon the nature of and purpose for which We use and share it. A summary of how We share Your Customer Information with third parties is set forth as follows: With Third-Party Product and Service Providers. We share Your Customer Information, as needed, to the third parties who provide the products and services You request. We frequently act as a third-party marketer and seller of various brand name products and services, and We provide these companies with the information necessary to carry out Your orders. How these companies use Your Customer Information, once We have passed it on to them, is governed by their respective privacy policies and procedures. With Third-Party Advertisers. Although We never share Your Private Customer Information with any third parties, except with the Third-Party Product and Service Providers described above, We may share other types of Your Customer Information with third-party advertisers who are able to use that information for other services, including to provide You with special offers or promotions and for market research. The ways in which such advertisers may subsequently use Your Customer Information is governed by their own privacy policies and procedures. You may opt out from having Us share Your Customer Information with third-party advertisers by following the steps in the next section. Additionally, we may share information with third parties for the purpose of preventing fraud and scams. With Third-Party Cookies. We allow third parties to collect anonymous information when You visit our website and to use that information to serve ads for our products or services when You visit the other websites. These third parties may use anonymous information (e.g., navigational, non-personally identifiable information, click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over, etc.) during Your visits to our website to provide advertisements about our goods and services likely to be of interest to You. These parties may use a cookie or a third-party web beacon, or other technologies, to collect this information.

Changes to This Privacy Notice

We will update this Privacy Notice from time to time to reflect changes in our business. If We change how We use Your Customer Information or the purposes or entities for and to which We disclose Customer Information We will include such updates within our Privacy Notice.

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To request a quotation means to ask for specific prices of certain items.You want to purchase these items in the future
